Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Habits:

How to form a habit? Whether it's dragging yourself out of bed in the morning for those morning runs or updating your blog on a consistent basis. It is tough for start a new habit and even tougher to get rid of bad ones.

I have recently joined the Toast Masters International club, which an organization that provides a learn-by-doing environment for improving your communication and public speaking. I would highly recommend this to anyone who has give presentations, speeches, talks or has a lot of interaction with other people for the jobs or hobbies.

Anyways, in last weeks meeting one of our members gave a speech on forming new habits and the one thing that I really got out of the speech was that it typically takes 21 days to form a new habit. Now this is sort of a generally rule and the ability to form a habit is done by repetition which allows the electrical nerve in your brain to establish a strong path or foundation.

The example that Jim, who gave the speech, provided we flossing. He would always get talked to by his dentist about not flossing, so he decided to floss for 21 days straight. That was 5 years ago and he is still flossing everyday and both he and his dentist appreciates it. So for all of you who are looking to start working out, reading more or need to floss more regularly. 21 days is your goal, if you can make it 21 days you should have a great foundation for you new habit. Thanks Jim great speech and I look forward to more in the future.

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